The Hindu Believe That Human Beings Must Continually Experience the Cycle of Rebirth


Reincarnation or rebirth can be defined as getting born again in a living form after death. The word reincarnation literally means "entering the flesh again."  Punarjanma is the Sanskrit word for reincarnation. Punarjanma literally means rebirth.

What is reincarnation?

According to Hindu scriptures, a soul, which is a part of the Supreme Soul, dwells in every living organism. The term death applies to our body only and not to the soul because the soul is immortal. The soul changes the bodies after death as we change our clothes every day. Depending upon our Karma, we get a new body. That is if you have done good Karma in this birth, then you would get the rewards for those in this and/or next life. If you have done bad Karma, you would get punished for that in this or next life. The present conditions in our life are the results of our Karma in this and/or past life. This cycle of birth, death, and reincarnation continues until we get salvation i.e., becoming one with the Supreme Soul.

Occurrences of reincarnation:

Many important religions on the earth like Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism believe in reincarnation. Many ancient cultures like Egypt and Greek also believed in reincarnation. Some sects from Christianity and Islam believe in reincarnation. Many cases of reincarnation have happened not only in those religions who believe in rebirth but also in those religions and cultures, which do not believe in it. The incidences of reincarnation have happened all over the world in all races, all genders, with almost 100% uniformity. Many cases have been investigated and marked as authentic by different scientists and institutes. Thousands of books have been written on this topic. The famous scientist Thomas Alva Edison was a Theosophist (Theosophists also believe in reincarnation). In a survey in 2005 in the USA, about 20% of adults showed a belief in reincarnation. Dalai Lama is considered as the biggest leader of Buddhists. Before death, every Dalai Lama tells his disciples about how and where he would be born again.

Rules of reincarnation:

There are certain rules known to mankind about reincarnation. These rules are told by sages, which were revealed to them in the state of deep meditation.

1. Most of the time a human being is born again as a human being only, but sometimes, he/she might get an animal body.

2. In general, after getting the three births of the same sex, we get the next birth of different sex but there is no thumb rule.

3. Doing good Karma does not eradicate bad Karma. You have to undergo sufferings for bad Karma and get happiness for good Karma.

4. If a person dies suddenly with strong wills unfulfilled, he/she might become a ghost and remain there until the favorable conditions are available for the next birth.

5. After death, we do not get the next birth immediately. In the meantime, our soul is in one of the seven levels. Once the proper conditions are created according to our Karma, we get born again.

6. The soul is always learning from its experiences. In its initial births, it gets attracted to physical things more but as it grows in knowledge, it becomes more spiritual.

7. All our good and bad Karmas are recorded in our body and when we are dead, those memories also enter a new body with our soul. When the soul becomes fully knowledgeable, it attains salvation.

8. Some sages believe that everything since the time of big-bang is stored in our body but only a few people are able to recall those memories.

9. Only human beings can attain salvation. We get a human body after our soul travels through 8,400,000 species. Hence, salvation should be the final aim of our life.

Rebirth in the Vedas:

1. May we get a healthy sense and work organs in next life as well. May I am full of vitality. May I have spiritual wealth and knowledge of Ishwar and Vedic concepts again and again. May we be selfless for the welfare of the world in our next lives again and again. May our deeds be noble so that we get human life and always get purity of mind and actions so that we can worship you and achieve salvation. (Atharva Veda 7.67.1)

2. One who conducts noble actions obtains noble lives in the next births with a strong body and sharp intellect. Those who conduct bad deeds get birth in lower species. To experience the fruits of past actions is a natural trait of the soul. After death, the soul resides in Vayu, Jala, Aushadhi, etc., and again enters the womb to take the next birth. (Atharva Veda 5.1.2)

3. Whenever we take birth, may our deeds be such that we get a pure mind, long life, good health, vitality, intellect, strong sense organs, and a powerful body. In the next life also, keep us away from bad deeds and indulge us in noble actions. (Yajurved 4.15)

Reincarnation in Bollywood movies:

The concept of reincarnation has been used in many Bollywood movies and some of them were great hits like Karz, Karan Arjun, Madhumati, Milan, etc. Recently, this concept is not used very much by Bollywood filmmakers as many movies had been made on this topic.

Reincarnation in Hollywood movies:

Hollywood has also used the concept of reincarnation many times. The movies like Reincarnation of Peter Proud, Dead Again, Kundun, Fluke, What Dreams May Come, and Birth are based on reincarnation.

Books on reincarnation:

So far thousands of books have been written on this topic by many well-known personalities of the world. We are giving here a brief list of those books.

Many Lives Many Masters by Dr. Brian Weiss

Life after Life by Raymond Moody

Reincarnation by Carry Williams and Sylvia Cranston

Claims of Reincarnation by Dr. Satwant Pasricha

Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation by Dr. Ian Stevenson

Is it possible to predict your next birth?

It is possible but this can only be done by a sage who has powers to see the future and not by the websites or software. Many websites claim that they can predict your next birth but these are just frauds. So, do not run after them or do not take them seriously because your next birth depends upon your Karma and the software cannot predict your Karma.

Reincarnation is not a miracle but it is just a scientific phenomenon, which modern science has not yet understood.

More Articles Related to Reincarnation (Rebirth):

What is salvation?

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